eCommerce Website Design and Social Media Management
My Role:
- Web Design
- Information Architecture
- Product Photography
- Social Media
Tool: Wix, HTML, CSS
The Company
Heartwood Wands is a small, family-owned business that handcrafts wooden wands and sells them online.

The Problem
Heartwoood Wands is a small, family owned business that handcrafts wooden wands. They were selling through Etsy, but the cost to ship and Etsy's cut of the profits where increasing. They had a website that was getting traffic, but it was not generating sales due to it's lack of usability.

They also were getting a lot of buzz naturally on social media, but were not active or didn't have an account in some cases.

The Goal
Build a new website to generate more sales outside of the overhead of Etsy. Become active on social media to market themselves and bring traffic to their new website.

The Plan
1. Completely redesign the architecture, identity, and UX/UI. 

2. Become active on their social media accounts to generate additional page views and answer messages.

The Outcome
 We ended up with a fresh website that made it easy for customers to buy wands and gave their brand an updated feel. They are stull using Etsy for now, but they do about a quarter of their sales through their business website now.

We became active on their social media and began communicating with their followers. The average monthly engagement increases by at least 50% each month and that in turn brings traffic to their website.

Heartwood Wands


Heartwood Wands
