Henkilön Niceshit Studio profiili

Branding & Visual Identity for Carvaygo.

Branding & visual assets for Carvaygo.
Early this year we had the great chance to work directly with Carvaygo, an award-winning vehicle logistics provider developing their branding and visual language to use across all their platforms.

We absolutely love these clever and conceptual challenges where it isn't only about the illustrations but also about setting a smart tone of hidden messages. For this type of projects we always tend to rely a lot on subtle surrealism and playing with scale always does the trick for that 'second reading feeling' that we aim for.

The set of illustrations, logo and background presented below are meant to be used across all the brand communication needs, from website, to social and OOH.
These type of projects we believe are very close to what could be editorial illustrations and for a great output we need good communication and back and forth with the client - where they explain their services, the hard information and what they need explain and to be instantly understandable in an engaging way, making a lasting impression.

We absolutely love these sort of challenges when there is a lot of brainstorming and bunch of ideas thrown around!
Sketching every idea that comes into mind is by far our favourite part of the process so we always like to show a selection of these quick drawings that come out at early stages of the project. 

Hope you enjoy!

Directed & Produce by Niceshit
Creative Directors: Guido Lambertini, Carmen Angelillo & Rodier Kidmann
EP: Agusta Timotea
Art Direction & Illustration: Rodier Kidmann & Itsacat Studio
Branding & Visual Identity for Carvaygo.

Branding & Visual Identity for Carvaygo.
