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HoDaLa 虎搭啦

HoDaLa 虎搭啦
(’Cheers’ in Taiwanese「乾杯」台語)
Ning Chang / Tzu-Jong Huang / Yun-Ning Sun / Ping Li

A Taiwanese New Year Party
This event is only held for Taiwanese student who is studying abroad in Birmingham by the Networking team from several Birmingham City University MA students. We set the theme as a retro party in the 1980s, which originated from the popular Netflix drama in Taiwan ‘Light the Night’. Not only for the party dress code but for the key visual as well. The name comes from the homonym of 2022 for the lunar year of the ‘tiger’ combined with the Taiwanese homonym, conveying the meaning of celebrating the lunar new year together.

本次活動由多位2022在伯明翰城市大學的碩士生合作為在伯明翰留學的台灣學生舉辦。我們將主題設定為 1980 年代的複古派對,起源於台灣熱門的 Netflix 劇集《華燈初上》。不僅適用於派對著裝要求,還運用在視覺設計。名稱來源於2022為農曆虎年結合乾杯台語的諧音,傳達一同歡慶農曆年的意思。

Invitation Visual
They were designed in the style of a traditional Taiwanese calendar. It showed a humorous way with homonymic slang mixed with English and Mandarin and described the taboos of this party.

Bubble Tea Voucher
On the day of the event, we provide bubble tea as dessert. To combine with the humorous characteristics of our design team, we handprinted the bubble tea voucher. Also, to express the Taiwanese culture, we created the voucher by using the look of joss paper, but due to avoid negative thoughts, we did not add the spelling elements that the original joss paper had.

To get to know more about our working process:
HoDaLa 虎搭啦


HoDaLa 虎搭啦
