Lion's Breath polka dots
Lion's Breath polka dots The colourful polkadot-like wall art features different animated freeze frames,capturing the motion of the lion sticking its tongue out,while its mane twists and ripples in a motion depicting the lion shrugging off tension in reprieve. The relief sculpture is available in 5 base shapes and 13 colours, resulting in 65 unique pieces in an edition of 3. 

五颜六色的圆点状墙壁艺术以狮子伸出舌头的不同定格画面为特色。其中,狮 子鬃毛扭曲和起伏的动作也描绘了狮子正在摆脱紧张。此雕塑有五种基本形状 和十三种颜色可供选择。因此,三个版本也创造了六十五个独特的作品。
TITLE: Lion's Breath polka dots 
YEAR: 2023 
SIZE: 40 cm height x 40 cm width x 4 cm depth 
MEDIUM: Resin PVA paint 
EDITION: 3 and 1 AP 


标题:圆 点 狮子之息 
尺寸:40厘米高, 40 厘米 宽,4厘米 长 
材料: 树 脂PVA 漆 
版本: 3 和1 AP

可用 颜 色 1-13 在下面
Lion's Breath polka dots
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Lion's Breath polka dots

The colourful polkadot-like wall art features different animated freeze frames,capturing the motion of the lion sticking its tongue out,while its Daha Fazla Bilgi

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