Profil użytkownika „Maria Kolyada”

Product design for Terra

Greenery products design
This image represents a collective image of the majority of design projects that are usually clients of landscaping companies.
The range of products for landscape design represents a whole typology of functional landscaping techniques - zoning of spaces, decor, small architectural forms, vertical gardening, etc. The purpose of this approach was to reflect the positioning of the company: interior greenery is not just decoration, it is a functional tool for organizing space.
Living plant partitions have gained tremendous popularity, especially in the post-pandemic era. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these green dividers offer a refreshing and natural touch to indoor spaces. As organizations prioritize health and well-being, the integration of plant partitions aligns with the rising demand for biophilic design. Not only do they provide visual interest, but they also contribute to improved air quality and a sense of connection with nature.
This is a collection of light green decorative solutions meticulously designed for quick and compelling sales. With a focus on simplicity and visual allure, these creations add a touch of sophistication to any space, catering to the fast-paced needs of the clients. 
The catalog layout
Many of these solutions, including the ones mentioned, were developed by me with the main goal of boosting sales and enhancing the overall visibility of our company. Each design serves as a strategic tool to elevate brand recognition and create a lasting impression, contributing to the continuous growth and success of our business. Excited to see the positive impact these innovations bring to both our sales and brand presence. 
Thanks for watching!
Product design for Terra


Product design for Terra
