Owen Stowe's profile

Senior Thesis Artwork

Manifestations of Network Identity
Artwork for Connecticut College Senior Thesis
As an art major I was required to create a body of artwork to be in the senior art major show at the end of the year. As a young artist growing up in the internet age, as a digital native, my focus for my body of work was on the formation of identity in networked environments such as those of social networking. The concept and acting out of human identity has changed radically with the increasing use of the Internet, and I believe it is vitally important for a person as interested and engaged in the current media landscape to grapple with these changes.
In order to do this, I created a variety of sculptures based on 3D models. All my models were first made in Maya 2011. The paper sculptures were made through importing the Maya models into into Pepakura Designer, which allows the user to create instructions for folding and gluing together a paper version of the model, then printing these instructions and building the models. Three pieces were created using a RepRap Mendel 3D printer.
papercraft model with graphite drawings
Freespace (Detail)
Freespace (Detail)
Freespace (Detail)
Grain Shift
Papercraft model
Grain Shift (Detail)
Grain Shift (Detail)
Grain Shift (Detail)
Left to Right: My Fertile Shoulder, My Extruded Finger, My Scintillating Mind
3D Prints in PLA
My Fertile Shoulder
My Scintillating Mind
My Extruded Finger
Senior Thesis Artwork

Senior Thesis Artwork

Artwork for Connecticut College senior art thesis show.
