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Wine labels design for WINEPARK

Design concept of wine labels for WINEPARK

To develop a design concept for the first collection of wines of the WINEPARK Center. Since they will be made from purchased grapes, when designing, it would be great to move away from associations with the center itself as much as possible, but at the same time keep the project minimalistic and layered.

Main idea
WINEPARK in its expositions reveals wine as a metaphor for human life. In fact, a person is truly alive only by feeling. Life is all about feelings, and wine is one of the sources of indescribable sensory impressions.

Wine tasting is a special process, equated to art, and each of its phases involves all the senses. We hear the sound of a bottle being opened and wine being poured into a glass. We feel the smooth texture and coolness of the glass. We evaluate the visual of the drink — the color and fluidity, as well as the aroma of the wine hidden in the bouquet of ingredients. And finally, we use all taste buds to highlight bright and subtle tastes.

In everyday life, we sometimes completely forget to concentrate on our senses, not allowing our life to fully open up. It is enough just to turn on the senses — touch, taste, catch the aroma, admire the environment, hear the sounds — and life will sparkle with new colors.

Concept description
Each bottle of wine symbolizes one of our senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) that are shown by minimalistic illustrations. The graphic part of the WINEPARK logo (line)* emphasizes the importance of our senses and shows the continuity of the corporate identity of the project. In addition, each bottle of wine has its own name inspired by words from European languages meaning senses.

*The logo was not designed by me.

Each bottle of WINEPARK wine evokes a unique spectrum of senses. With every sound, touch, sight, aroma, and sip, you feel more and more, plunging into a new world of pleasure.

Wine labels design for WINEPARK

Wine labels design for WINEPARK
