Introducing cereal product, Shapies Crush.
Packaged with an attractive design cereal box, along with a cute giraffe mascot to lead the brand, Jeepjef aims to make Shapies Crush the number one selling brand of cereal in Singapore. The giraffe was chosen as the mascot for JeepJef’s cereal, Shapies Crush, to send the message across, as consuming Shapies Crush will help in your growth.
Shapies Crush is named after the pieces of the cereal; each cereal bits come in different shapes such as cubes, rectangles, balls, etc. Each cereal bits will have different natural fruit flavours for a refreshing and delicious taste. The bright colors will definitely get the approval of children. Parents will no longer have to worry about the difficulties of feeding their children with vitamins or fruits.
Unique Selling Point
Besides the attractive packaging, Shapies Crush contains a set of healthy vitamins and nutrients such as high dietary fibre, DHA that can only be taken from milk powder. Each serving provides the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, Shapies Crush has low in fat, calories and sugar content.
Title // Shapies Crush 
Date // Mar, 2014
Shapies Crush
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Shapies Crush

Introducing cereal product, Shapies Crush. Packaged with an attractive design cereal box, along with a cute giraffe mascot to lead the brand, Je Lire la suite

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