All things my motherland, Indonesia, through my most personal interpretations and memories - as an Indonesian, while living far far away from home.
To capture Indonesia is to capture complexity, diversity, randomness, and both chaos-tranquility in the same time. Its beauty, its flaws, mixed altogether in a big pot then being scattered all over thousands of fragments. 
Sundaram. Keindahan dan Kebahagiaan, Beauty and Happiness.
Three young boys and their cats in the rice field.
When I studied marine science in university, sometimes I daydreamed that perhaps I could be lucky enough to meet Nyi Roro Kidul - the goddess of the southern sea - in the body water of northern sea. I don't know, who knows she might be in a vacation?
I like to think that she's real and just like me. I like to think that she might enjoy swimming around the reefs and playing with the sea jellies.
Selamat datang di Jakarta (during Covid-19)!
I think I was inspired by Asmara Abigail because she dances beautifully while I wish I could dance as eloquent as she is.
Uluwatu stroll.
All Things Indonesia


All Things Indonesia



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