ucanttunafish .'s profile

Me, Myself, and SUGA (230309 HBD)

Project: Me, Myself, and Suga (Wholly or Whole me) / Comic
Date: March 9, 2023
Font Use: Let's Coorgi, Slidefu Regular (演示佛系体)
Color Template: 000000, fcb105, ff7a05, ede4d4

The title of the project is from Suga's latest photo album ‘Me, Myself, and SUGA (Wholly or Whole me)’. Most of the original images were processed with an engraving halftone effect (mockup by PIXELBUDDHA). The project is using the comic format to tell a story of Shooky's encounter with 'the other me in the universe', Suga, after he arrives on Earth. Originally posted on Weibo on Mar 9, 2023.
作品标题与Suga的最新写真集《Me, Myself, and SUGA》同名。大部分原始图像使用了半调效果(engraving halftone effect)处理,以漫画的形式讲述了小饼干Shooky来到地球后与“宇宙中的另一个我”Suga邂逅的故事。于2023年3月9日发表于微博(账号@TUNA-FISH-002)。


Birthday Project for BTS SUGA
Graphic Design: DOG6ICK
Mockup: Engraving Halftone Effect by PIXELBUDDHA

Contact Me: 
 Behance / murphxx33@gmail.com


Me, Myself, and SUGA (230309 HBD)

Me, Myself, and SUGA (230309 HBD)


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