THX|展覽形象 Visual Design



In the generation, it is easy to inveigh, dichotomizing thinking becomes the only choice and eye-catching and shallow information has occupied the screen. We are getting used to believe directly the judgments out of what we saw, identify our existence with the judgments and then deduce what we saw with the existence.
In our consideration, since viewing the images more than investigating fact is the habit of audiences, our duty as a part of the digital media is not only to construct aesthetic feeling, but also to transform the information into touching vision and hearing after comprehension. We try to bring out the introspection and create the possibility to change and even flip the society with the media.

Thank the generation for the nonstop information explosion and repetitive media. It was the worst of times but meanwhile the best of times. We get to speak through the work. The ideas of THX would continue to be passed, break the limitation of time and distance, embrace the dream of changing the world and collide the classic of the time fearlessly.
The graduation exhibition carried the past learning and experience of 144 exhibitors. The issues that the young designers cared the most have been transformed into visual arts. Starting from appreciation, we recollect the touching memory in the past 20 years. What established our awareness of the world, and what made us start to create?

展覽主視覺 Visual Design
Copy, Repost and Recreate
Key vision is developed from “deviant snapshot of the era”. We believe that contemporary era is an organism which keeps changing and has no fixed form. From the aspect of design, Comply with mobile carrier interface makes all the objects extensible, can be adapted to different application situations, transform freely and reproduce unlimitedly. It presents the era of over-inflated information and constantly retelling through the stacking vectors.

There is an upwarding-pointing arrow can be seen in the staggered color blocks. It represents the power of design that promotes the era, and the shape comes from cursor. After the booming development of the internet, reach has become a symbol of visibility and even wealth, constantly accelerating the growth and mutation of this organism until people’s five senses are excessively amplified and then move to dissolving.
While thanking the contemporary ear, we also asked it how to break through in this age of oversaturation and congestion. How to grow from insignificancy, find common power and point to the future?


展覽形象概念片 Concept Video
Thanks to the rich stream resource of this generation that stimulate the communication and creation. However, immense information production is swallowing our culture, consume and even thought.
In this special circumstance and ideology, the fear surrounding us also teach us how to confront, to think and to break though in order to become truly fearless.

直式瀏覽,直視內在 Vertical browsing, look straight at inner
We think that since modern people are used to looking straight at cellphone for long time, why not follow the trend and present the image vertically. While reflecting the change of carrier of current media development, we also bring up the question to the moment that truth declined and culture change quickly: How should we understand what we see?
Only you can define: no need to debate, look straightly and fearlessly.


Red Dot Award winner:brand design 2021

展覽形象 Visual Design
視覺統籌/設計 Creative Director& Graphic Designer - 黃書亞 Joshua Huang
專案管理 Project Manager - 徐萱 Hsuan Hsu
動畫設計 Animation Designer - 王薇瑄 Tina Wang、楊中閔 Arthur Yang
專案執行 Account Executive - 謝宇婷 Yu-Ting Hsieh、蘇晏禾 Rose Su

展覽形象概念片 Concept Video
創意 Concept -王薇瑄 Tina Wang、黃書亞 Joshua Huang 
導演 Director-謝宇婷 Yu-Ting Hsieh 
副導演 Assistant Director-蘇晏禾 Rose Su  
製片 Producer -徐萱 Hsuan-hsu 
場記 Clapper-loader -王薇瑄 Tina Wang 
器材 Key Grip -楊中閔 Arthur Yang 
後期製作 Post-production Supervisor -王薇瑄 
動畫設計 Animation Designer -王薇瑄 Tina Wang、楊中閔 Arthur Yang
剪輯Editor - 黃書亞 Joshua Huang 
演員 Actors - 盧臻 Jane Lu、彭柏文 Owen Peng、林育丞 Chad Lin 
主題曲 Music - 陳郁夫 Yufu Chen

平面攝影 Photographer - 袁家琳 Chia-Lin Yuan 、黃珮庭 Pei-Ting Huang
翻譯 Translator -曾怡慈 Yi-Tzu Tseng

THX|展覽形象 Visual Design