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A Chimera's Disorder

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to you? 
"A Chimera's Disorder" is an illustrated zine containing chimeras, or conceptual characters, into symbolized behaviours. Whether it's the persona, the visual shapes, the scales or the poses, each of these creatures represents the attributes of OCD.
Characterizing the features of the disorder into visual figures is a beneficial solution to help educate to those who are unfamiliar of the disorder. About 1.6% of the population is suffering painfully through this disorder. I wish to raise awareness to the society and to drop those numbers as much as possible. 
Now before you finish reading this, ask yourself. What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to you? 
Colour pencils and Mixed Media

One of the most sensitive creatures you probably have ever seen. It has a strange obsession with number counting as it counts every second of the day. If you interrupt its routine, it will get enraged and the next thing you know, you're smacked and thrown into the air. 

(Counting while performing a task to end on a "good", "right", or a "safe" number).
Vivid as a rainbow. Squishy as a marshmellow. Jolly as Santa Claus. 
But be warned as it is coated with germs and contaminants!
(Fear of contamination which results with body fluids, dirt, germs or diseases, etc.)
It all started with a green trash bag. The bag was blown into a balloon and the wind drifted away into the cold, bleak sky. It began sucking in clouds of dusts and colors, nourishing itself into a living, air-breathing organism. From this day onwards, it continues its drifting journey, sucking and collecting useless chunks of items such as dusts, fluorescent rocks, and crayons.
(Collecting futile and useless items).
Inspired by the visual aspects of the Rorschach Test and the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
A Chimera's Disorder

A Chimera's Disorder

"A Chimera's Disorder" is an illustrated zine containing chimeras, or conceptual characters, into symbolized behaviours. Each of these creatures Se mer
