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Vinyl Album Covers- MN Talent

Vinyl Album Covers- MN Talents

There is so many amazing talent in Minnesota that I feel don’t really get recognized a lot of the times. I wanted to showcase my friends who are artists and show their personality through their music and themselves in these Vinyl Album Covers. 

Down below are a description of each artist!
View my progress here
L.A Trello
L.A Trello is an artist who is constantly learning about himself and isn’t afraid to share that with the world with their being his vulnerable side and his confident/winner side. In his Album “ Matter of Time” I tried to capture that concept with the typography of time is running out.
Ri Honesty
Ri Honesty wants her supporters to know her as someone who is capable of overcoming anything that is thrown at her. Her music explains her journey, truth and also experiences. It is the voice that was once just thoughts.

On Her cover I wanted to capture her growth in some way. Butterflies represent growth and the ability to keep going. The 3d effect/ melting type I chose was to represent her changes in between those times of her journey. No journey is easy but often times the growth is unseen.
Jihan is an artist who allows himself to have freedom of expression. He tends to portray is self confidence and abundance righteously and respectfully.His music he would say is full of self expression and freedom of expression, however that looks and sounds. On his cover I wanted  to capture his freedom of expression through lighting and edgy typography because when listening to his music and personality he has an edgy vibe and sound to him. It was interesting to try that typography, even though it is different I believe it showcased his music style.
View my progress HERE
Vinyl Album Covers- MN Talent

Vinyl Album Covers- MN Talent


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