Vitamin B
in collaboration with Studio Juju 
Surprise is when there is a contradiction between what we perceive and what actually happens. This project explores how the action of breaking can be reimagined as something delightful.

Breaking is typically associated with many negative connotations. The breaking of a piggy bank, in particular, is a messy process and leaves the original item in fragments. In this project, we wondered how the classic piggy bank could be re-designed so that breaking can be framed as a form of celebration – looking into the concept of controlled breaking.
Here, the piggy bank is spherical and has a plain, solid-coloured exterior.
The surprise comes when the piggy bank is broken – it splits into equal sized pieces, revealing a second colour that instantly discloses its identity. The process of saving money is likened to the process of planting a fruit. The piggy bank “grows” as more coins are collected, then “ripens” as it is broken. Finally, one can "reap the harvest" after a long and arduous process of saving up.
Vitamin B


Vitamin B

