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Encrypted email providers: Secure Email

Secure Email, powered by Paubox, is an application that automates the business workflow by safely transferring encrypted emails inside Salesforce. Cloud Maven, Inc., a certified Salesforce ISV Partner and the 2021 Salesforce Partner Innovation Award recipient has developed this app. Email security is critical for any business, but especially for those that deal with sensitive customer information. Because they frequently handle large amounts of customer data, the business process outsourcing (BPO) industries are particularly vulnerable to email security threats. Furthermore, remote employees are common in BPO industries, making email security difficult. Email security threats can lead to the loss of sensitive customer data, causing the company's reputation and bottom line to suffer. Because of this issue, the BPO workforce must look for a way to send emails containing sensitive information. Cloud Maven, Inc. created this application to address this issue, allowing employees to send and receive emails with proper encryption from any Salesforce standard or custom object and send emails in bulk. Email encryption is performed using the TLS 1.2+ protocol and AES 256 encryption to protect sensitive data. The system is HIPAA compliant, and HITRUST CSF certified, ensuring the highest level of security for email data. Employees do not need to use any login portals, plugins, or extra steps to send or receive these emails. This eliminates the need for manual intervention in the process and reduces errors. Employees can send personalized emails to multiple recipients from any object by using dynamic email templates. They can also add multiple users to the 'cc' or "bcc" list from any object. Through an intuitive dashboard, BPO employees can track the emails sent and received in real time. For a free 30-day trial, this HIPAA Compliant Secure Email app is available on Salesforce AppExchange. If you have any queries, send an email to Follow Cloud Maven, Inc. on LinkedInTwitter, and YouTube to discover more solutions.  
Encrypted email providers: Secure Email


Encrypted email providers: Secure Email

