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Cookie Crumble

Cookie Crumble
Cookie Crumble specializes in gluten free bakes, both savoury and sweet with the added bonus of being vegan too. Starting of as a home baker in Instagram, the rebrand needed to put the business in a more professional spotlight to support the great quality of the products.
Project Details
1. Logo Design
The logo design has been created to reflect the shape of a crumbled cookie which is the hallmark of the business. The font used is Amatic SC Regular.
Attribute: cookie by Alex Muravev from <a href="https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/cookie/" target="_blank" title="cookie Icons">Noun Project</a>
2. Colour Palette
Cookie Crumble's color palette is inspired by the warm and comforting tones of baked goods.
The primary color is a rich caramel brown, reminiscent of the golden crust of freshly baked cookies. This color exudes warmth and coziness, perfect for evoking feelings of comfort and indulgence.

Together, the color palette of Cookie Crumble embodies the brand's core values of quality, warmth, indulgence, playfulness, and naturalness. It creates a cohesive and visually appealing look that reflects the brand's personality and mission.
3. Brand Packaging
Cookie Crumble's brand packaging is designed to be both visually appealing and functional. The packaging is made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials that are recyclable and sustainable, in line with the brand's commitment to being environmentally responsible.

The packaging design features the brand's signature colors - a warm caramel brown. The logo is prominently displayed on the front of the packaging, alongside images of the delicious baked goods.
The packaging itself is practical, with sturdy boxes and bags that are perfect for protecting the baked goods during transport. The boxes are designed with inserts that keep the treats in place and prevent them from getting squished or damaged.
​​​​​​To add a personal touch, the packaging is also customizable. Customers can add their own messages or designs to the packaging, making it perfect for gifts or special occasions.

Overall, the brand packaging of Cookie Crumble is both functional and stylish. It reflects the brand's commitment to quality, sustainability, and personalization, while also showcasing the delicious baked goods within.
Cookie Crumble


Cookie Crumble
