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Phytogramson 16mm film

Phytograms on 16mm film 
A workshop, organized and led by researcher and filmmaker Miki Ambrózy, during one summer month of 2022 in Vilnius. The essence of a workshop was to create a film, not from script, but from plants, flourishing in abundance around the workshop palce, Sodas 2123. 
The process of making the video entangled not primarily used knowledge of the mind, but lesser known and explored knowledge of the senses. Choosing plants by mere satisfaction of sight, smell, or touch, not knowing how they are going to react with chemicals and thus what result will be, was an unusual experience. It made them almost equivalent to human in the creation process - more powerful and determining than usual. That led to appreciation of unknown and giving in to unexpected. Letting go of creators role, as the main one, was liberating and broadening worldview.

Phytogramson 16mm film

Phytogramson 16mm film


Creative Fields