Profiel van Aleksandar Milanov

Art Storefronts Portfolio

Curriculum Vitae
Portfolio of works outside Art Storefronts

A more in-depth architecture portfolio can be viewed here.
Portfolio of selected art storefronts Marketing projects

Prior to Art Storefronts, my design work was primarily focused on illustration, interior design, architecture, and a variety of products usually catered to specific clients heavily involved in the design process. Presentation and design played a key role in communicating the logistics behind projects and making them appealing to clients.
This approach benefited my work at Art Storefronts, as artists require a visual language befitting their unique art. Maintaining a certain level of individuality and quality to each client's continual social media presence, while at the same time templatizing the design and copywriting processes, stood out as the greatest challenge.
With excellent teamwork and communication with clients, tackling this challenge was
an engaging and ever-changing experience.
After meeting the design needs of over 200 clients I was promoted to a design lead,
with the responsibility of leading projects, creating marketing strategies, mentoring team members, and overseeing their work.
The marketing content below is a small insight into my work at Art Storefronts.
The featured content is focused exclusively on graphic design and excludes the copy written for Facebook, Instagram, and email campaigns.

Examples of social media posts
arranged in blocks dedicated to specific clients
View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

View the original videos with audio here.

Examples of Logo Designs

selected Facebook and instagram Glow Ups

Art Storefronts Portfolio

Art Storefronts Portfolio
