Brooke Witten 的个人资料

Three Book Covers-Great Expectations

Great Expectations Design Covers 
The prompt for this assignment was to create three different covers for the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. We had to design a typography, designers choice cover and a physical cover. 
First, I had learned about the book. I have read Charles Dickens, Great Expectations and I loved it and I knew that many of Dickens novels are commentary on class and wealth issues. They take place often in the victorian period. I looked for lots of recurring themes and symbols. After researching I had alot of ideas. So I made a quick mind map to get those ideas down.
I really work out alot of my ideas through truly ugly rough sketches. But for me that always helps me quite alot. Some might see squiggles but, to me I see all it will become. Above are some of those sketches. 
I made this a typography cover but, it could have also been my physical cover sense it used physical props. I really enjoyed making this cover I found that light and darkness is a huge symbol in Great Exceptions. So I chose a candle to be my focus in this cover. I found the old wax candle to be visually interesting. I learned alot about photoshop and fonts while making this. I really love how it came together. My first draft the title was much more transparent. So I layered the smoke letters one over the other to make them easier to read. I enjoyed making this, I had this idea so clear in my head I enjoyed how it ended up.
This was my designers choice cover. I really love very simple covers. I really wanted to bring the simplicity to this cover, because in a bookstore alot of covers are overwhelming and simple covers can be striking and eye catching. I knew I wanted somethings uncomplicated with a symbol from the book in the center. I drew alot of ideas and landed on a marble bust. The bust is my interpretation of a main character, Estella. I like how this cover allowed me to illustrate alot, and I also like how simple it is. This cover is very much so my style. My design choice!
This was physical cover but, it could also be typography cover. I wanted to emulate what Victorian books looked like so looked at alot of old books. I used illustrator to make the gold pieces and transferred it over to photoshop. Where I spent alot of time learning how to make the it actually look physical. I know it is not perfect but I think the result is what I was aiming for.
This was my finish product. After Adding this covers to mock up for hard cover books. I really learned alot and enjoyed the product and I feel like I really learned alot. I hope you enjoy my covers and if you saw them in a book store it would make you want to read a book based on its cover. Thank you!
Three Book Covers-Great Expectations

Three Book Covers-Great Expectations

