Ian Lammi's profile

Tyrion Lanister

As I've been learning how to manipulate colored pencils and layering with them I've discovered a  new meathod for me to blend colors.
For the first area part I gridded the paper to make sure I got the image I wanted. I then used white charcoal as a base coat. I then proceeded to use colored pencils to add the color.
I then contiinued to flesh out Tyrion. I continued to go back and add more as I saw fit.
After the face was done I did the hair next. This was so that I could get the whisps of hair that stick out in the the background. I did the right side first, and then started on the left side.
At this point I was done with the hair and background for the most part and about to start working on the clothing. However to create a smoother look I used turpenoid to blend the background black, as well as smoothing out the hair some.
In the end I finished up Tyrion Lanister, though photographing these sort of art pieces are always hard to get right. Here is as close as I could get it to the actual image. I hope you gusy enjoy it.
Tyrion Lanister

Tyrion Lanister

A colored pencil drawing of Tyrion Lanister from George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones.
