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水里坑里山邨 Inhabit Village

「里山(さとやま,Satoyama)」一詞源自日文。 「里(さと,sato)」指人類居住的環境,「山(やま,yama)」指自然環境,里山即為鄰里附近的山林,是人類生活與自然的交會之處。里山倡議的願景是實現社會與自然和諧共生的理想,為了讓以永續利用與管理土地和自然資源的地景得以受到保護與重建。

水里坑里山村以里山生態作為創始概念,是實踐林業永續,使用大量台灣木頭建材建造的森林系飯店。讓旅客來到飯店不僅能歇息放鬆,更能透過住宿體驗來認識台灣林業。 推廣水里在地食農教育,讓旅客可以體驗、認識當地特產農產品與富有教育性的體驗活動。

Satoyama (里山) is a Japanese term that combines the words sato (里), meaning "village," and yama (山), meaning "mountain." It refers to the mosaic landscapes that exist between human settlements and natural forests, and have been traditionally managed by local communities for centuries. The Satoyama Initiative is a global effort to promote the sustainable use and management of satoyama landscapes. The vision of the Satoyama Initiative is to realize societies in harmony with nature, where people and nature can thrive together.

Inhabit Village is a forest hotel located in Shuili Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. The hotel is built using a large amount of Taiwanese wooden materials and is designed to promote the concept of satoyama ecology. Inhabit Village offers guests a unique opportunity to experience Taiwanese forestry and learn about the importance of sustainable land and resource management. The hotel also offers a variety of educational activities and programs that focus on local food and agriculture.

水里坑里山邨 Inhabit Village


水里坑里山邨 Inhabit Village
