Faisal Khan profili

Multi-generational Workforce

Multi-generational Workforce the real treasure
“I believe that Multi-generational Workforce is it a treasure and not a bomb, No organization can work with only one generation, there can’t be operational excellence achieved without a Multi-generational Workforce”
The real question is how to manage them, what do they want, how can they work effectively.
Let’s take a look at these generations. There are mainly four generations we can call them Veterans, Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials in any organization, each with different perspectives and traits, let understand who are we talking about to understand them
Veterans Age 65+
•             Have strong faith in institutions and top down leadership
•             Value hard work and rule based decision making
•             Tend to be loyal and many in this generation have stayed with a single employer for their entire careers
•             Are not likely to question authority or initiate conflict in their workplace
•             As children of great depression, this generation values stability and fiscal responsibility
•             The least tech savvy of the generation
Boomers 45 to 65
•             Respectful of difference and well educated by traditional method
•             Digital immigrants who are learning to adapt to technology
•             Work form them defines value
•             Driven to overwork, live to over work
•             Need to asset their individuality, but view teams as effective
•             Influenced by WWII post economic boom
Generation X 30 to 45
•             Open minded and sensitive to diversity
•             Educated by traditional methods supplemented by the internet
•             Digital natives, Comfortable with internet, prefer, and embrace the internet and technology to help control their lives
•             Work to live, they will work with others in a team and also be comfortable working alone. Most effective one task at a time
•             Influenced by corporate and government failures
Millennials under 30
•             Are referred to as “digital natives” who are information fluent and connected 24/7
•             Have the ability to multi task and engage in multiple activities simultaneously
•             Except speed and change and have a low tolerance for things that do not make sense. Find politics a waste of time.
•             Value team work and collaborative efforts: are responsive to mutual guidance and mentorship
•             Thrive on flexibility at work and require the opportunity to peruse new challenges
•             Will only stay when offered ongoing opportunity to grow and learn new things loyalty must go both ways.
However, the question still remains: how to manage them, all four generations want the same things, how can they work effectively together to “do more with less” in today’s increasingly complex and uncertain environment? 
The answer is by creating more engaged employees who are happier, more willing to collaborate, better supported in completing their work, and more effective in delivering on organizational mission.
To manage Multigenerational workforce we have to follow these five guiding principles.
•             Provide flexibility
•             Encourage collaboration
•             Supply technology
•             Develop talent
•             Create new methods of evaluation / appraisal
These are key areas to focus on because they resonate with all generation. By implementing programs that address these areas, it can be a win – win for all. Multigenerational employees are more engaged, managers are able to support their teams more effectively, and work is accomplished in an operating environment where more is done with less. Hence the shareholders, management and clients can reap the benefits of a more dynamic and effective organizational excellence with the workforce.
Multi-generational Workforce
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Multi-generational Workforce

An article i wrote for Xpressions Magazine an internal company magazine in Xenel Group, Issue number 24 "Multi-generational Workforce....Is it a Daha Fazla Bilgi

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