Lizandri van de Merwe 님의 프로필

Amnesty International No Child's Play

No Child's Play
South Africa has the dubious honour of being labelled the rape capital of the world, yet within this shameful fact lies another even more heinous.

Soaring rates of sexual abuse in South African homes have resulted in hundreds of girls between the tender ages of 9 and 10 getting pregnant.

If we do nothing, if we continue to look away, we will almost certainly see more young girls being robbed of their childhood. 

To raise awareness of this issue we produced a series of print ads that at first glance seem to capture the epitome of innocence. Only on closer examination, and after reading the caption, does the true horror of what is being viewed sink it. 

It is our hope that the shock of this harsh reality becomes the impetus viewers need to act against this violation of human rights with Amnesty International.
Brand Amnesty International
Account Management Amber Mackeurtan, Sonwabile Mkize
Agency Joe Public
Agency Art Director Lizandri van de Merwe
Agency Managing Director Khuthala Gala Holten
Agency Producer Tammy Chetty
Marketing (client) Shenilla Mohamed, Genevieve Quintal
Chief Creative Officer Pepe Marais, Xolisa Dyeshana 
Executive Creative Director Martin Schlumpf
Creative Director Martin Schlumpf
Illustrator Studio Muti
Photographer Marijke Willems
Art Director Bianca Tanchel
Retouching Grant Moore
Media Agency Juno
Regional Agency Group Joe Public United
Writer Ntando Msibi
Amnesty International No Child's Play

Amnesty International No Child's Play
