The Power of 3s
Stoked to share a Raptors X McDonald’s partnership spot we made with our friends at Cossette. A dynamic collaborative effort that helps support the MLSE Foundations “Change the Game initiative”.
Character Design
Directed by : BYB
EP/Producer : Danielle Araiche/Booming Echo

Storyboard : Naeim Khavari
Editor : Tom Berger
Character Dev : David Saracino
Character Design : Amanda Martin
Character Posing/Clean : Ruggiero Abbruzzese, Darren Donovan
Animation Supervisor : Darren Donovan
Character Animation :  Kelan Hordos 
Clean Up Animation :  Nicole kozak, Darren Donovan
FX Supervisor : Darren Donovan
Visual FX / Compositing : Sheldon Lisoy
Logo Animation / Motion Design : Phil Scarano
Agency :  Cossette
Sound Design / Music : Grayson Music

The Power of 3's

The Power of 3's
