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How to Choose Wheelchairs for Senior Citizens

How to Choose Wheelchairs for Senior Citizens
How to choose a wheelchair for senior citizens is a common question. However, selecting the model or type of wheelchair for an elderly user can be easier said than done, especially with many models of wheelchairs available in the market. If you need to choose a wheelchair for a loved one and are wondering how to go about it, this post will give you detailed information about it. Read on to know about the factors that you must bear in mind to make an informed choice.

How to choose a wheelchair for elderly patients

Nowadays, different types of wheelchairs are available in the market. Other than cost, they also differ from each other feature-wise. If you bear a few things in mind, you can still make an informed decision on this matter. The key factors you need to remember in mind while buying a wheelchair include the following:

Width, weight and height: Wheelchairs come in a variety of widths, weights, and heights. When buying a wheelchair for a senior user, who is your loved one, the onus will be on you to decide on a unit based on the width, weight, and height that makes them feel comfortable.

Personal needs: Does your loved one have impaired vision? If yes, you would want to buy a wheelchair for them that has LED armrests. Likewise, other wheelchairs have some other features that are made for serving specific purposes.

Comfort: Bumpy rides pose a major challenge for seniors, especially those who travel on trains and buses. Therefore, take a look at the grip of a wheelchair while buying it for a senior user. Easy-to-grip wheelchairs are less likely to make a senior user fall on the ground even when they take a bumpy ride on public transportation.

Ease of use: Apart from the braking and steering system, getting on and off a wheelchair tells if it is easy to use. It is an essential feature for seniors as they feel comfortable using an easy-to-use wheelchair.

Transportability: Some wheelchairs fit into a car trunk with ease. This feature is essential if you move from one place to the other in a car. It helps you carry your wheelchair even if you take a car ride.

Cost: Just like the five fingers of the hand, the prices of wheelchairs also differ from one another. If your budget is generous, you can look for your preferred wheelchair among a wider range of models. And if it is tight, you would be better off choosing a model which you can buy without exceeding your budget.

Benefits of wheelchairs to elderly patients

Wheelchairs bring some benefits to the table for seniors. Above everything else, it helps them move from one place to the other. This way, it gives them a sigh of relief from the feeling that they cannot move from one place to the other.

Seniors benefit by buying a wheelchair in many ways. Some of its benefits for senior citizens include the following:

It expedites the movement of seniors and elderly patients.
The feature of effortless movement by saving energy gives good value for money to those who use wheelchairs.
Wheelchairs make portability comfortable for seniors for whom moving from one place to the other is difficult.
Wheelchairs give elderly patients the freedom to move without compromising their safety. The sophisticated features of a wheelchair enable seniors to move carefully.

Various Types of Wheelchairs for Senior Citizens

Broadly, wheelchairs are of two types: manual wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs. Both of them can be of different types, depending on the purpose of senior citizens. The main difference between both these kinds of wheelchairs is that a manual wheelchair necessitates manual effort for its movement, whereas a powered wheelchair runs on a battery.

Manual wheelchairs can be further classified into the following categories:
Standing manual wheelchairs
Heavy-duty manual wheelchairs
Folding frame ultralight manual wheelchairs

On the other hand, the classification of powered wheelchairs is based on their wheel drive. Depending on this factor, a powered wheelchair may belong to one of the following categories:
Front-wheel drive
Mid wheel drive
Rear wheel drive


If you have a loved one who needs to use a wheelchair, it can be easier said than done for you to choose the right piece. However, you can make a better choice if you choose a unit by keeping the aforementioned things in mind. In case you wish to explore different varieties in person, you can visit our wheelchair showroom. We are the best electric wheelchair suppliers in India and deal in all types of electric and manual wheelchairs.
How to Choose Wheelchairs for Senior Citizens

How to Choose Wheelchairs for Senior Citizens


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