Brianna Signorelli's profile

OCD Awareness Posters

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a misunderstood mental illness because it is not given the same attention as some other illnesses. There are a lot of misconceptions about the disorder, and many people do not understand the severity of it, often using the term "OCD" in everyday conversations about unrelated behaviors. Because of this, I wanted to create posters to begin the education process and hopefully knock down some stereotypes (such as those used in the titles) that people have about OCD.
Colors play an important role in this process as they are used to immediately grab your attention with their saturation. This is also used to contrast OCD which can often go undetected if one does not know what 
to look for. These colors and the flat shapes found throughout are part of the 1960s vernacular. The posters utilized this vernacular because mental health was such a taboo topic then, contrasting with the eager nature to get information out there with these posters.
The shapes, specific to their respective posters' meanings, are also used repetitively, mimicking OCD's repetitive nature. The more representative images are there to give the viewer a sense of what the information on them is about at a glance. Furthermore, the use of deconstructive elements shows the wear these repetitive habits and thoughts have on people with the disorder.
The wear further extends into the typographic elements. The main heading, body copy, and resource website use The Slug and the Lion regular typeface. This serif remains readable while also having bits of wear. However, the typeface used behind the heading, Hand Stamp Swiss Rough Sans Regular, is almost unreadable, demonstrating a mass amount of people/voices repeating the phrase repeatedly. Lastly, All these typographic elements are connected with a grid to emphasize their importance.
Project Created Fall 2022
OCD Awareness Posters


OCD Awareness Posters


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