ibram khalil profili

Walk it off app for apple watch

Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this project was to create an activity app for Apple Watch users in a week 2 week time frame during a design sprint project. We needed to identify who the target audience was, followed by the brainstorm process and identifying what features would be implemented with the brainstorm methods, and then sketches, and also usability testing. 
Roles & Contribution  
The elements that were done as a group were the sketches, identifying the target audience, as well as the features for the app.  Individual parts of the project were creating the sketches into wireframes, and then mockups all created on Adobe XD which was done by me, followed by a prototype of the app which was also created on Adobe XD. 
Creative Strategy 
For the creative strategy, I wanted to be consistent with the brand's fonts, and colours for the IOS Apple Watch. So I used the same fonts that apple uses for the Apple Watch.  ​​​​​​​
Final Deliverable 
Walk it off app for apple watch
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Walk it off app for apple watch

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