Catherine .s profil

Kinect Hand Gesture Game: "Dew Mondays"

Our third year major team project was to design and develop a Kinect game for use on desktop computers. On this team I worked with Nigel Douglas, Barry Mulcahy and Martin Hayes. My task in the team was the game and web designer. I designed the game and built all its assets in illustrator. I also did the animation with-in the game and designed the website as well as built most of the website. The following images are my designs from the game that we created. 

Start and Game Selection Pages
Maze Multi Level Game
Car Fog Game
Game Leaderboard
Team member Barry Mulchay testing the maze game with the use of the Kinect camera
Photo Credit: Creative Multimedia on Facebook
Thank you For Watching! 
Kinect Hand Gesture Game: "Dew Mondays"

Kinect Hand Gesture Game: "Dew Mondays"

For our third year team project I was the game and web designer. The following images are from the work I did on the Kinect game.
