Year: 2022

Field: Logo Design

Software: Adobe Illustrator

About this Project
This project aims to design the elements of corporate communication after defining a professional profile. It can be chosen from the following proposals: writer, musician, chef, architect, dancer, photographer or graphic, fashion, industrial or interior designer. It can also be another profession, as long as it is a real case.
To start this project, I asked my family members whether or not their companies or businesses had effective logos and brands. My grandfather shared with me his letterhead, which is a very basic design made on a Word Document. ​​​​​​​
He owns a contracting agency as he is an architect. His work is mainly on the field however, it was important for him to establish a brand identity for advertising, emails, contracts, and other tasks related to the job. Therefore, I decided to help him out and recreate his logo as well as design other aspects of his brand. ​​​​​​​

Logo Design
I recreated the original logo with enhanced graphics and a clear identity that is more appealing. I used the four colors above as options for my grandfather to choose from; I also provided him with the negative of these logos.
Final Logo Design

Site Opening Brochure 
Measuring Tape
Construction Helmet
Exterior Office Sign
Street Ad
Services Brochure
                                                                   Thank You!
KCE Branding

KCE Branding


Creative Fields