CarnaRUN - Nike

Nike understands that Carnival is Brazilian’s favorite time of the year to spend their energy. That’s the spirit of CarnaRUN: party and sports mixed together in a pre-Carnival race promoted by Nike in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Put your costumes on and tie your shoelaces for the CarnaRUN! With one foot on the street and the samba on the foot, in this race, everybody celebrates. 

CarnaRUN is a fictitious project developed for the course Pé na Porta from Escola Arte Revide.

Nike entende que o Carnaval é a época favorita do ano para o brasileiro gastar sua energia. Esse é o espírito de CarnaRUN: festa e esporte misturados numa corrida de pré-Carnaval promovida pela Nike nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro. Monte sua fantasia e aperte os cadarços para o CarnaRUN! Com o pé na rua e o samba no pé, nessa corrida, todo mundo comemora. 

CarnaRUN é um projeto fictício desenvolvido para o curso Pé na Porta da Escola Arte Revide.
CarnaRUN - Nike

CarnaRUN - Nike

EN: Nike understands that Carnival is Brazilian’s favorite time of the year to spend their energy. That’s the spirit of CarnaRUN: party and sport Read More
