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Blizzard has a fairly simple list of potential potholes

The chapter about the disaster that occurred during Diablo 3's launch tells the story of how one Blizzard developer played the game for hundreds of hours before they discovered a piece of legendary loot. When that orange light finally appeared from a random adversary, he tried to grab the item only to find that his character couldn't  D2R Items even utilize it. The loot system was fundamentally broken that even the excitement in grinding away for an hour before finally finding something that was truly special was broken.

This was eventually fixed to where you could only ever have certain levels of loot that would work for your character, and the rate at that early-game legendary items dropped was up. Even though the legendary items that you could get were not a problem but you did occasionally receive a slight dose of dopamine, which kept you on the hook.

If Diablo 4 gets that right and has a similar loot system similar to Loot2.0 and Loot2.0 in Diablo 3, then we're already concerned about how long we'll be able to be spending playing. Diablo 3's failure is the most beneficial possible thing to happen to the franchise on an ongoing basis, and combine that along with an Immortal controversy, it seems like Blizzard has a fairly simple list of potential potholes to  Buy D2R items PC avoid for it to stay at the top of the list of its the most faithful players.

Blizzard has a fairly simple list of potential potholes
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Blizzard has a fairly simple list of potential potholes

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