Profilo di Girasolo BrandingProfilo di Lu C. Carbajal

MF Financial

MF Financials

Today we want to introduce you to MF-Financial, a project we did this month, MF is a consultancy specializing in finance and insurance, wants to position itself as the most reliable option in the region, although it has been participating in the market for several years, this year, they will open a second branch focused on financial solutions, so they want to celebrate this growth with an image that reflects its evolution.

The challenge
Develop an image that reflects the evolution of MF, but that is attached to the market, and coexists correctly with the brands it represents, they want to maintain shades of blue in the redesign, as it is a color that has characterized them throughout their history.

The solution
The first thing we did was a total analysis of the industry, to know what they were using and how they handled it, from this different explorations were made, the idea was clear, we wanted to separate the MF that gives name to the company from its financial complement, this separation was achieved using a different typography to the complement and also, these letters were framed in a box that will help to bring the visual focus towards it, this decision also allowed us to change the complement of the brand and give places to other services: MF Asesores patrimoniales, MF riesgos, etc.

For the color, there was also an evolution, we wanted a modern color, reflecting this evolution of the brand, so we explored a range of blues associated with digital media, which together with black and white, will be combined in all elements of the final identity: Cards, Sheets etc., as an achromatic brand, it has no problems to be combined with photographs or illustrations.

Do you want to evolve your corporate image? Contact us at:,,
MF Financial