Wissensstadt Berlin

The website of the Berlin joint project with more than 30 renowned institutions and actors from science and research and over 100 city-wide events on the major issues of our time: health, climate and coexistence. In collaboration with Studio Bosco and Kulturprojekte Berlin, the website for the festival was conceived, designed and developed. Thematic prelude of the website are the three big questions of the program.

Modular Design

A modular approach was chosen for the development of the website, through which a variety of options were created to stage, filter and organize the amount of information in different ways. This allowed us to develop a clear and stringent website for the extensive program and its venues.


In order to reach as broad and diverse a mass of users as possible, the topics of responsiveness and accessibility were of high importance for the project. The functionality and appearance of the website were optimized for all common screen sizes and device types. All accessibility standards were adhered to in the design and implementation.




Creative Fields