Client: Dusit D2 Hotel
Property Location: Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Project Type: Brand Development

Ostro is a Mediterranean restaurant, a brand of dusitD2 kenz hotel, and located in the urban suburb, of Barsha Heights. In 2016, the client got in touch with our team, looking for full support and rollout for the upcoming launch of dusitD2 hotel, along with brand development for its mid-range all-day dining restaurant. Looking for a strategic branding solution, the client was aiming to create a complete brand identity that would stand on its own as an independent brand from the parent company. Striving for organic growth and with a highly competitive Food & Beverage landscape, the key objective was to create a strong story that would connect to the heart of the consumers and leave a memorable mark of a great dining experience. From brand strategy, naming and creative expression, the client was looking for full support in creating a brand from scratch.

Brand Strategy / Tone of Voice / Brand Identity / Brand Guidelines
The brand story proposed by our team was "Urban Escape," which aimed to evoke the feeling of an oasis in the midst of the urban suburb of Barsha Heights. Based on this brand positioning, we began the process of selecting a name for the restaurant, considering numerous options inspired by Mediterranean languages and terms. Ultimately, we selected the name "Ostro," which refers to the warm southerly winds that blow across the Mediterranean Sea and take visitors on a dining retreat away from the busy city life. To accompany the name, our creative team developed a handcrafted brandmark inspired by the idea of footprints in the sand of the Mediterranean Sea, whisked away by wind and leaving a warm, lasting impression. The iconic circle within the brandmark represents the path leading to the Mediterranean oasis. The brand's Look and Feel system was designed to create a clean, uncluttered space with a sense of discovery, utilizing light tones of touchpoints and an understated application of identity. The result was a memorable brand identity that resonated with the target audience and positioned Ostro as a top dining destination in the highly competitive Food & Beverage landscape.
Ostro attracted immediate attention from local media, bloggers, and influencers. Leading magazines like WhatsOn and TimeOut praised the restaurant for perfectly capturing the Mediterranean vibe. Online reviews from regular visitors gave Ostro a five-star rating and it was even nominated for the best dining experience award at the WhatsOn awards. Today, Ostro remains one of the most highly-rated dining retreats in the district and surrounding areas. The brand's strong social media presence engages with the audience and maintains a consistent footprint for the venue.
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