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3D for Creatives: An introduction to Adobe Substance 3D

Substance 3D Stager
Visuals for the Webinar "3D for Creatives: An introduction to Adobe Substance 3D" by Wes McDermott

Working on branding projects in 3D is always fun for me. Specially when the workflow is so seamless that I can create in flow state. I've been collaborating with Wes on this project to create a cute imaginary toy brand. You can find all these assets on Substance 3D Assets and create your own version of this scene! Watch the Webinar on the link below to learn more about how you can use the Substance ecosystem together with the Creative Cloud to create amazing and fun visuals like this for your graphic projects!

You can create a pattern in Illustrator and use it as a texture in Substance 3D Stager to build a perfectly branded 3D scene. You can color match everything with a click using the CC Libraries in Stager. This is a great way to showcase any branding project to your clients. You can use Substance 3D Sampler and Painter to create even more detailed textures.

Check out the Webinar below by Wes McDermott who will walk you through how you create this project!

If you have any questions put them in the comments!

List of Assets:
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3D for Creatives: An introduction to Adobe Substance 3D
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3D for Creatives: An introduction to Adobe Substance 3D

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