A Report on Prosthetic Finger 
 A prosthetic hand or finger can be helpful in many ways and can: Restore length to a partially amputated finger. Enable opposition between the thumb and a finger. Allow a hand amputee to stabilize and hold objects with bendable fingers.
Baker’s gelatine, baker’s glycerin, petroleum jelly, silicone gel, gloves spatula, mixing bowl, cooker and pot ,scissors, water.
1. Apply petroleum jelly on the finger to be used as a pattern. This is to minimize the
corrosive effect of the tiler's silicone on the skin. It also aids the removal of the mold
from the finger.
2. Using the spatula, apply silicone on the finger in layers, gradually, until a thickness of
about 3mm is achieved. The individual applying the silicone should protect his/her
hands with latex gloves to prevent them from being corroded by the silicone.
3. Wait for the silicone to dry, to a jelly-like consistency. This should take about thirty
4. Carefuly remove the silicone mold from the finger, taking care not to fold the mold.
5. Mix gelatin, glycerin and water in the ratio 2:2:1 respectively in a pot.
6. Using low heat from the camp gas, heat the gelatin, glycerin and water mixture to
remove lumps and bubbles.
While heating, turn the mixture thoroughly. If it becomes dry, add a little water and
mix properly.
8. Add poster colour to obtain a shade similar to that of the human skin.
9. The resulting mixture should be lump-free, bubble-free, moderately viscous and able
to flow from the spoon.
10. Pour in the mixture into the silicone mold to form the cast and leave it in for twelve
hours to solidify.
11. Separate the mold from the cast. If the cast cannot come out with ease, use a razor
blade to cut the mold away.
12. A pair of scissors can be used to trim the cast to a desired length.
13. The resulting cast is a prosthetic finger.
The result obtained from the experiment was accurate, flexible and durable.




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