Sheepish World
Miss Sheepish collects stars from the fallen hills and tie them up at the end of a stick so that they can be used as bait for her pet sheep. Her fluffy friends have a habit of straying away as is their nature. This is the best way to keep them close to her.
Mr. Grizzle is a dear friend of Miss Sheepish. Miss Sheepish can’t rely on her flock of sheep for their brains, so whenever she needs advice, Mr. Grizzle is there to help. He is a traveller and a history buff. He loves updating Miss Sheepish with the current news of Falling Star Valley. Miss Sheepish likes to travel with him because he has got an excellent sense of direction.
Grizzly adventure
Mr. Grizzle makes sure he visits places seen by none other. His mission is to find unique landmarks. A bear of few words, Mr. Grizzle would only speak when asked about his whereabouts.
“I like adventures”, says he. 
Mr. Grizzle keeps a backpack of essentials, a journal and a map handy. He wears a cap to keep his round fluffy head and ears protected from the harsh winds. He would only narrate his adventures to those who are dear to him.
Miss Sheepish and her flock of sheep collect stars which have fallen from the sky into the valley. They gather the sparkly goodness and roast them for dinner. He pets get tired from all the walking and collecting… and gobbling them up along the way.
Illustration of MeowMeow above
“Young Baroness Kitty Meowsaloud" wants to be a brave and an independant kitten but she has yet to learn a lot of things in life. A runaway baroness from a castle far away, she lead most of her childhood in a protected environment. Her parents didn't let her go out anywhere. But Kitty Meowsaloud was fed up of the royalty. She now wants to go out on adventures but doesn't know where to start. That's when she came to Miss Sheepish for help.
"That is a pretty long name you have Kitty," Miss Sheepish remarked, "I will call you MeowMeow".
And the name stuck.
MeowMeow now follows around Miss Sheepish, hoping to be invited to... perhaps a new adventure. Miss Sheepish is happy to guide her to this new life and be her friend as long as MeowMeow first learns how to shake hands with paws... not claws.
A small paragraph extracted from the “Sheepish World” below:
“Is this your first adventure outside your castle, MeowMeow?" Miss Sheepish asked The Young Baroness Kitty Meowsaloud, who was still getting used to her newly given nickname.
Meowsaloud nodded nervously. Miss Sheepish noticed the young kitten was trembling. So she assured her.
"This adventure is safe and fun. We are going to the "Falling Star Valley". I will teach you how to collect the stars. My sheep love gobbling them up but I usually prefer roasting them on the flame first."
"Those stars might hit me, they look scary," Kitty Meowsaloud meowed aloud.
"Oh trust me, they look yummy! You know, I was the same once, I was afraid of everything. I still am sometimes. I don't like it when I forget my way back home. So I seek out for help. That's when Mr. Grizzle comes to the rescue. He is a traveller so he knows every flower that blooms here."
"But you are a grown up, how can you be afraid?" Kitty Meowsaloud wondered aloud.
"Oh grown-ups are always afraid. When I'm afraid, I look for other grown-ups to help me. I still think twice before going for a new adventure. But my sheep's got to eat, right? So never be afraid to ask for help."
Kitty Meowsaloud nodded. Miss Sheepish held her hand and pulled her gently up the hill.
"So where should we start MeowMeow? How about that place?"
To be continued…
Sheepish World

Sheepish World

“Sheepish World” is a fable about shy people and animals living in Falling Star Valley. It is a work in progress as the story only continues when Read More
