Barnyard Regularities
These colourful characters pop into my head from time to time. Once that happens I just have to find a matching vintage portrait-base, add to or remove the backdrop and most importantly ensure their true animal face is shown. 
"Pondering Snacking" - This gentleman had to restrain himself from jumping overboard the cruise-ship as they pushed further north. Snacking on tank-fresh clams and canned sardines was fine but with fresh oysters and squid within a leap and a splash away the temptation was almost too much to bare.
"Down the Rabbit Hole and to the Left" - What would be a more fitting birthday gift for a 'rabbit-girl' than a fox shawl?
"Barnyard Regularities" - The Croftons were in no way odd in their town. They lived on a farm, had parented fourteen kids and enjoy the playful head-butting of their growing herd of grand-kids. They are the oldest couple in the district and received many a blue ribbon at the county fair; for their ability to grow the best cherries.
"Mad Trapper" - Lars Hendrickson was as mad as a trapper could get. Altho obviously a bear he insisted he was something called a "human" – a hairless apes of sorts. The town went as far as to hire an analyst to examine him. The conclusion the doctor came to was, "mad but harmless."
Barnyard Regularities