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Key Visuals for a Fly Yoga Seminar in KJ Club, Msk

That was a little assignment - a one during the course of graphic design by Contented design school featuring classes by some great teachers; however, this time the study module was not to my taste - you're free to judge strictly the tasteless images, though partially that's due to the fact that the restrictions set by the brandbook were such a burden for an unexperienced designer (me:).

The studio of yoga and fitness really exists in Msk and the brief (client's assignment) was: to make instagram posts and indoor A3 posters about the coming fly yoga (which is yoga in hammocks) seminar.

We were to create 3 or more moodboards and walk from them towards the ideas of future posters and posts:).

Here is my attempt.

And these...                are the moodboards.

The one for the pebble girl post & poster.

The one for the "universe pants" girl post & poster.

The one for the lettering ("levitation") post & poster.

The one for the wooden hand post & poster.

As you've seen, the project started with A3's, and here go the Insta posts:).

For pictures used in the project I thank Freepik and teksomolika from Freepik; and Unsplash of course - the authors Conscious Design and Dominik Dancs from there.

Also lots of thanks to Poster Mockups from USA and Graphic Google - for their beautiful mockups:).

I didn't dive into the details of the concepts here, giving preference to the visual language of the moodboards...... although now I see they're overbalancing the work....   .                ..............:)

Key Visuals for a Fly Yoga Seminar in KJ Club, Msk


Key Visuals for a Fly Yoga Seminar in KJ Club, Msk
