Marcelina Dąbrowska 님의 프로필

SpomenikXGalaksija poster designs

Following posters were inspired by the design of the Yugoslavian magazine "Galaksija" and shapes of Spomeniks - concrete, massive and futuristic monuments, which you can find throughout all former countries of Yugoslavia. 
These magnificent monuments are symbols of the past, not only by immortalizing events from the WW2, but also creating the image of the country as a well prospering and innovative, looking forward for the great future.
Although their idea based from the socialist realism, Yugoslavians took it and made it their own by molding them with the aesthetics of the modern futurism.
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M. A. D. 2023 | Follow me also on Instagram
SpomenikXGalaksija poster designs


SpomenikXGalaksija poster designs
