- Bakared -'s profile


E U R O P E A N   B R U T A L I S M
B E L G I U M   |   G E R M A N Y   |   P O R TU G A L   |   U K
2 0 2 2   -   2 0 2 3

“Life never stops. The torment of men will be eternal, unless the function of creating and acting and changing, living intensely through each day, be considered an eternal joy.”
Le Corbusier

In the past few months, I had the chance to travel across Europe to capture moments of joy, life and music. During these trips, I've been hit by the diversity in architecture, from the industrial bricks of London to the colorful houses in Portugal.

Amongst this diverse journey, one constant remained : Brutalism.

Brutalism, is a style of architecture that emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by its raw and unadorned concrete structures. Viewed as a solution to rebuild the post WWII Europe, its influence spread all across the continent.

This series will take you on a journey through the architectural legacy of Brutalism in Bruxelles, Berlin, Fatima and London, highlighting the creative and innovative designs that reflect this unique style of architecture.



