Henkilön Shreya Jangid profiili

Sparrow disappearance awareness poster

Objective- To address an issue and make a poster for the brand by making illustrations using Indian folk art.

Process- While living in a metropolitan city where its like net of telecom wires instead of trees and plants, I noticed the reduction of sparrows. It all started with me researching about the cause of the declining population of sparrows, I found out that radiations are the culprit. 
For choosing the brand for the poster, it wasn't a hard pick as I went for national geography, a household name when it comes to making people aware about the environment and our impact on the flora and fauna.
The art style that I have picked here is called "Gond" coming from the famous Gond tribe of India where everything lies in the details with different patterns used while illustrating. 

The concept- The idea was to take a self clicked photograph of telecom wires and illustrating sparrows on top of it. Here as one can see one sparrow is trying to fly but instead is weathering or dissolving representing their death from the radiations. 

I came up with a simple yet powerful catch phrase to sum up the meaning of the poster 
"They too have a life!"
Sparrow disappearance awareness poster


Sparrow disappearance awareness poster
