Perfil de Gabriel Sustal

Be an artist, right now! (TED Talk Reflection)

I mentioned this in class but the part that stuck with me was towards the beginning when he was telling his audience, "There are hundreds of reasons why we can't be artists right now. Don't they just pop into your head?" I took this as him saying why not make time for art, the best time to be an artist is now, the best time to make art is yesterday. I took it as do not just dismiss art but rather enjoy it and embrace it. He also said "Why do people instantly resist the idea of associating themselves with art?" and I completely agree with this, whether people are too shy or feel like they are not good enough to profess their work as art, people commonly don't believe they are an artist despite working on their medium of choice for years. The overall meaning I took from this TED talk was to enjoy your craft, do not be afraid to show it, and be damn good at it.
Be an artist, right now! (TED Talk Reflection)
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Be an artist, right now! (TED Talk Reflection)

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