Xenia Kuznetsovas profil

Flowers information leaflets

Information leaflets for a plant store
What if growing a plant can be made fun and easy? I imagined a company with such a purpose - Sprout houseplants store. When you buy a plant there you won't be left alone with it. The store will support you with information while you master plant care. The first step of this support is a leaflet with the tips about how to make your green friend happy.

Here is my leaflets design result and some of the process.
In logo, I was trying to reflect the company's goal which is to support plant growers on all stages.
Logo search
​​​​​​​Funny plants characters were created to visualize the how-to-care tips.
Character sketches
Moved to vector
Document shouldn't look overloaded as well as content too much information. So I was focusing on making it fun and easy to read. 

I started with horizontal page orientation placing text and relevant illustration at first in a circle and then from right to left. I kept in mind that printed document should be folded.
Finally, I decided to switch page orientation because it makes document more readable. Also I added simple sprout background and semitransparent clouds around the text to improve readability. At last, I added tips numeration to help reader orient in the leaflet.
The back side of the leaflet is intended to provide some information about the company and its goals together with some contact information and links.
Flowers information leaflets


Flowers information leaflets
