The tall forest on the back
In Japan, forests are often densely populated with cedar trees, and their branches do not grow very long. As a design accent, this has been transformed into a cheerful liveliness.
Designs inspired by forests are often seen. Rather than the trees themselves, they express the unique stillness and darkness that are created when trees come together to form a forest.
In Japanese forests, coniferous trees are often seen. Many of these are planted, and because there are many tall forests, when you enter them, you are surrounded by a unique sense of mystery. The tall cedar trees stand in orderly lines like pillars, making you feel as if you are moving through the forest's interior.
Because they are coniferous trees, to create a straight and sharp impression, the design was built around straight lines.
First, a rough sketch was made on colored paper, and then the branches and trunks were carefully examined on a computer. The colors were chosen to capture the deep and silent characteristics of the forest, and the balance was adjusted. 
The short scattered branches serve as accents, creating a sense of lightness and joy, but the overall color scheme is cool, creating a calm and subdued work.
Draft image. It’s cutting and pasting paper.
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