Profiel van Anthony Fook

Ogawa Yoko's Bird | Book Cover Design

小川洋子,《小鳥》ことり 書封設計
Yoko Ogawa, book cover design for 'Little Bird'
It's a beautiful language, but my brother didn't leave any words. It was enough just to speak it, not to write it on paper, that was his attitude.
On the contrary, he created a language without a sign to connect the ear to the eye. Using the chirping of birds as a model, the brother, alone, made sounds for his own ears, while collecting one by one the stones of language scattered around the island, gradually picking up the crystals of language that overflowed from the chirping of the birds.
I remember the bicycle in the book, his brother's chanting and the lemon yellow bobble lollipop. Then I drew the blessing and gave it to Uncle Birdie and his brother. They are reunited in that realm, free and singing with gusto.
Client_木馬文化 ECUS Publishing
Illustrator_傅文豪 Anthony Fook
Designer_傅文豪 Anthony Fook
Author_Ogawa Yoko
Editor_陳瀅如 Amber Chen
Photo_許豐凱 KK Hsu
恆成 竹尾羅紗紙 115G
加工 燙珍珠箔
大亞 香草紙 200G
Ogawa Yoko's Bird | Book Cover Design


Ogawa Yoko's Bird | Book Cover Design
