The Museo Novecento is dedicated to the Italian art of the 20th and 21st Century and offers a permanent collection and many temporary exhibitions, art installations and special projects.
The museum is located in the ancient Spedale of the Leopoldine in Santa Maria Novella Square.

The Museo Novecento rebranding project, aimed to modernize and refresh the visual identity of the museum. The museum, which is dedicated to 20th-century Italian art, needed a new brand image that would reflect its mission and appeal to a contemporary audience.
The rebranding process involved a thorough analysis of the museum's values, history, and target audience. I created a new visual identity that effectively conveyed the museum's commitment to preserving and showcasing 20th-century Italian art. The new branding included a refreshed logo, typography, color palette, and imagery, which were all designed to be modern, elegant, and timeless.
One of the key aspects of the rebranding was to create a consistent visual language that could be used across all of the museum's touchpoints, including its website, promotional materials, and physical signage. This helped to ensure that the museum's new image was consistent and recognizable, and that it effectively conveyed its mission and values to its target audience.

Special Event Typography Art

Museo Novecento | rebranding


Museo Novecento | rebranding
