
Leading the way to an easier crypto experience

21.co has been established as the parent company of Onyx, Amun and one of the most recognisable names on Switzerland's fin-tech landscape - 21shares. The need for an umbrella entity became apparent when the ambitions of the founders started outgrowing the original concept of having just the original triad of crypto related ventures.

My role was to find the right visual direction during a series of meetings with the founders, and subsequently figure out the company's logo, colors, illustration style and brand font, all of which have been summarised in detailed brand guidelines. I also envisioned and designed the animations that assisted the brand launch and co-designed the website.

Although the number 21 itself is pretty symbolic in the crypto space and references the fact that there will be 21 million Bitcoin in total, the arc in the logomark has a deeper and less common meaning. It symbolizes the journey from two financial systems we find ourselves in right now, which often not only don't work together but even fight each other, to a world where there will be only one - consisting of elements from both traditional and decentralized finance.

The illustration style evokes blueprints, which is fitting for a company that on one hand is supposed to be a platform for all of it's sub-brands, but on another serves as a guide in the crypto sphere for external parties. The key visual is a futuristic crypto city with a bridge leading to it, which is yet another way to highlight the company's mission.

Head of Design: Marina Krutchinsky
Creative direction: Marina KrutchinskyJerzy Zaręba (Myself)
Brand design & brand guidelines: Jerzy Zaręba (Myself)
Illustrations and iconography: Jerzy Zaręba (Myself)
UI Design: Filip Geschwandtner, Jerzy Zaręba (Myself)
Animations: Jerzy Zaręba (Myself)
Mockups: MrMockup, Ls.Graphics, Mockup-Design, Anthony Boyd, Adobe Stock
Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Figma

The case study represent the visual language of the company between 2022 and 2023. In October 2023 it was decided to change 21.co from a parent company into a brand with it's own line of financial products, which resulted in a brand identity update and a new website.



