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Cover image of Woodosaurus.
This is the Woodosaurus, a wooden stegosaurus.
It was sketched and modeled in Fusion 360 and was brought to life using a laser cutter.

A render of Woodosaurus in Fusion 360.
Design Process
Woodosaurus components laid out.
Woodosaurus is made up of a single body and two sets of legs.
A small piece of wood fits between the cutouts of the legs, and that assembled model can be attached to the body.
The components as seen in Fusion360.
The first step was to find reference images of a stegosaurus. This included artist depictions and projects that people have already made.
Reference images used. All images belong to their respective owners.
After procuring images, the body of the Woodosaurus was made using straight lines and splines. The legs were made next and were built off of the body.

Once the design was satisfactory, a test cut was made on foamcore.
And after verifying that the initial cut passed, Woodosaurus was finally cut and assembled with wood.

