Isaac Scotts profil

Superior creature

Superior creature
The Master is a 7 feet tall greenish-brown mantis-like humanoid with large bat-like wings and red eyes. It communicates with a chirping/clicking language. The Master is immensely intelligent, proficient in genetic manipulation/evolution, language, and advanced technology which includes soul transferring, telepathy, and perception altering. While most mantis beings were formed through evolution, the Master was artificially created. It is the leader of the Greys, the Reptilians, and many other earthly-alien species. Unlike the Greys, who do not care for emotions, and the Reptilians, who are slightly more hostile, the Master tends to have a peaceful demeanor even though its appearance is frightening. The Master, along with the Reptilians, created the moon around the time of the Younger Dryas as a research city, to collect and transmit consciousness, to study the evolution of the world, to hide their existence in plain sight, and to make the earth more habitable. The Master is also known for implanting brain chips or ocular devices which monitor humans and warn of future events. It can use advanced technology to travel through time, and has a form of immortality through technological reincarnation. Its objective is to help beings on earth evolve and advance towards a brighter future, not just humans, but other intelligent lifeforms too. It could also be considered to be a teacher and a healer. His people are known as the Arriani and they dwell in Agartha.
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Superior creature

Superior creature
